Penjual Kenangan

Friday, December 17, 2010

"i'm a dead man walking i meet my destiny"*

pagi-pagi, dengerin lagu ini** (suka semua lagu mereka). :)

[[ btw, sudah beberapa hari belakangan ini, saya datang (terlalu) pagi ke kantor (alhamdulillah :p), sampai-sampai ditanyain sama resepsionis kantor kenapa saya tumben saya datang pagi. hehehe.

kenapa? hmm, karena mau memanfaatkan waktu pagi biar nggak keduluan dipatok ayam. (hehe, setahun lebih belakangan ini, ke mana aja, bu, baru nyadar sekarang?) :D

hmmm, sebenarnya, karena keseringan pulang malem (pernah mencetak rekor pada pukul 12 malam [hiks]), siklus berangkat kerja jadi (agak) berantakan. tapi, sekarang, siklus mulai stabil nih kayaknya.. dan, semoga bisa bertahan biar ayam sebel karena yang mau dia patok udah saya patok duluan. ;) ]]


** I don't know where  i live
don't know what i'm doing over here
I can't remember all this street
Just Walking my way and
i'm asking to the people all arround
they pay no heed to me at all

Suddenly after view minutes
i hear a whisper in my ears
it says : "find me and you know what you've been through,
I'm a white black beagle with a brown pelt on my left eye"..

I just can say i don't remember
oh i lost my mind and i just can say i don't remember

i've finally found you dog but you're running down to the road
i'm stealing a bike i'm chasing you up
cause you are the answers of my questions
oh i'm really tired, i can't move anymore
but the dog stops.. in the end of the street

The dog is right i've got my memories back
cause i see my bode lays over there
i'm a dead man walking i meet my destiny
i saved the dog and let my soul free

the truck came when the dog was on the street
i was trying to get him and it's not too late.. but yeaah
i know i was there.. and then i'm here... 

* "I Don't Remember", Endah-Resha

[i owe the lyric and the pic]

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